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Are orthotics covered by OHIP?

No, pedorthic services are not covered by OHIP. But most extended health care insurance plans cover orthotics or at least a portion of them. Check your plan!



Do I need a prescription?

You do not require a doctor's note for pedorthic services but your extended health care plan likely requires a prescription from your family physician in order to reimburse you for your orthotic claim. We can send a report of your assessment findings and referral request to your family physician after your assessment if you would like us to. 



Do you do an 'orthotic shoe'?

No, orthotics and shoes bundled together are a fraudulent combination - a pre-fabricated orthotic fit into a shoe does not make an orthotic shoe. Buyer Beware! If you see "free shoes" or "3 orthotics for $500" you often are not getting a truly custom-made orthotic. 



How long does it take?

Your initial assessment is approximately 45-minutes in length. Your orthotics will be ready in 1-2 weeks. Your pick-up and any follow-up appointments are approximately 15-30 minutes. 


What is the break-in period?

Your orthotics should be broken-in in gradually over intervals. Wear should be extended slowly over time. After 2-weeks you should be fully comfortable in your orthotics.


If an orthotic adjustment is required, there is no additional fee and it is usually done on site while you wait. 



How often do orthotics need replacing?

A set of orthotics will last 2-5yrs depending on wear and tear; how much you are on your feet, weight, activity level, etc.



How often will I need to wear my orthotics?

The more you wear your orthotics the more benefit you get from them and the better off you will be. However times when you are on your feet and active are the most important times for orthotic support. 

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The College of Pedorthics of Canada logo

Call & schedule an assessment today!



Paris: Right As Rain - 519-302-9509 - book online

Kitchener: Huron Crossing Physiotherapy - 519-584-0202

Brantford: Avenue Physiotherapy - 519-304-8330

St. George: St. George Wellness Centre - 519-448-1313

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